The world is filled with a plethora of uncertainties: when will the coronavirus end, are university fees worth it and how often am I going to post on here? The first article I write should be about myself to prove I have the adequate level of narcissism required to construct a blog.
I am Luke, a 19-year-old university student reading Ancient History. Charming, intelligent and driven… are three words I would not use to describe myself, nevertheless, I must achieve being at least one of them in order to acclaim any sort of success with this, my newest endeavour. I am in fact a person of superior taste in music, fashion and film, which is complimented by my ability to be somewhat outgoing. This results in my aptitude to waffle, and waffle well.
I don’t intend my posts to be long, nor littered with unimportant detail so I will probably end my opening one here. Who knows what the future holds or what I will write about next? Ciao.
